Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Questioning Pond Fishery Development Policy in Kubu Raya

Kubu Raya government policy as reported by the media (Mitra Kalbar, Thursday, 12/11/2009) to make the fisheries sub-sector as the belle of the construction of ponds may "diamini". For Kubu Raya region is promising to develop ponds fishery sub-sectors besides agriculture and plantation efforts. Because the location of areas of the newly created district is largely surrounded by water. But remember, the coast / beach is a buffer area (buffer zone) or as a camp or a fort for the land area of the brunt of the waves, sea water intrusion and climate that are considered extreme waters. Along the coast a lot overgrown with vegetation typical of stands, Api-api (Avicennia sp), mangrove-bakauan (Rhizophora sp), lenggedai (Sonneratia sp), tancang (Bruguiera sp), nyirih (Xylocarpus sp.), and Nipah (Nypa sp.) is more resistant to sea water. Besides the mangrove forest is a habitat for various types of marine biota, such as shrimp, fish and even birds, etc.. Land use in coastal areas indiscretion can be fatal for the area of land, such as Pontianak and surrounding areas. Sea water intrusion, and flooding coastal abrasion could have occurred due to land clearing new pond. Worse, due to new land clearing pertambakan can result in loss of habitat of living creatures. The loss of a species in nature can result in breaking the chain of ecosystems in the region. Thus the development improvement programs for the welfare of the people originally actually backfire later on. (00)

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